130th National Librarian's Day Celebration
Dr. Padma Shri awardee, the father of the library and Information Science, Dr. S. R. Ranganathan's 130th birth anniversary was celebrated on the occasion of National Librarians Day at the prestigious Institution in Gadag, Shri Tontadarya College of Engineering.
In this occasion Dr. Manjunath B. Uttarkar explained the life story of Dr. S R. Ranganathan, his achievements and his service & Contribution in the library field.
In the occasion of Librarians Day. Central library is initiated to Honor to the employees of Central Library who have served for the development of the library from a long time. This year Sri. Siddhalintesh S. Hiremath, Assistant Librarian, TCE, Gadag and Sri. Sharanasabasappa G. Neeli, Library Assistant, TCE, Gadag are Honored by Dignitaries.
As a part of 75th Independence Day 'Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsav' and 'Har Ghar Tiranga' scheme Library is distributed flags to Students and Staffs for hoisting the INDIAN Flag at their home and informed them to follow the procedure/rules and regulations for the same.
The program was presided over by the Principal Dr. Mahesh Awati, he said Libraries played a prominent role by delivering the resources of the libraries to the library users.
Our libraries are striving for the development of the society by providing adequate electronic information resources to the educators in the face of the unprecedented success of such services.
The role of Dr.S R. Ranganathan in the development of libraries and its services was considered to be unforgettable.
Dr. Iranna K, Coordinator, Prof. Sunil Patil President, and All the Members of Library committee, Head of the Department Dr. D. M Gouar, Dr. K. Lokesh, Dr. Sujatha Bhavikitti, Dr. Arunkumar R and all the library staff members, faculty members and students are presented.
The Event was grand success.
Librarian. TCE, Gadag

Honored to Sri. S. S. Hiremath, Asst. Librarian and Sri. S. G. Neeli Library Asst. TCE, Gadag for their Service and Dedication in the TCE, Library.
