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"Readers Club"

Objectives of Readers Club:

“To motivate library users to involve in reading activities, gain knowledge beyond curriculum may be one of the most effective tool to influence social change” 

       Readers club in TCE motivates students to read more books available in the library. The club invites eminent speakers, scholars and writers to deliver speech, which stimulates own thinking power. 
One of the main goals of the TCE is to prepare the students for professional world, including academics and corporate. “READERS CLUB” is another endeavour of TCE, aimed at providing a platform for students to enhance the general, technical and scientific knowledge, including communication skill by reading and analysing the newspaper articles or any relevant current topics on daily basis, initially at class room level. In addition to this, the club is also having objectives of

1.    Forming study circles to create reading environment

2.    Encouraging students to produce their own articles to publish in news papers

3.    Organizing various competitions at different level

4.    Displaying articles in display board at regular basis


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